Wednesday, 22 February 2006

Back to Adventure!

Spume, fester and gestalt. Words I love.
Yes, I got some words converted from my brain and some hapless man has put them on his website. Calm down at the back there, I did a review for one of the UK anime sites I frequent and they posted it up. Which goes to show that you shouldn't believe anything you read on the wub, and the quality control is quite frankly dangerous. Nevertheless, it left me feeling chuffed for small victories. Damn, now I have to buy the next in the series, oh curse you ever reclusive victory.
Also, in good news for voices, in Psychonaughts (the apparently respectable yet way-too-short Tim Schaeffer jobby(he of Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango)) hang on are you allowed so many brackets in normal english speech? This isn't an equation, its far too unbalanced. ANYway, yes, its the voice of ZIM! It has to be. It must be. I refuse to check google lest my hopes be dashed. But I think that may have tipped the balance for me.
I am quite annoyed at the fact that yesterday I didn't really know what day it was. Its already Wednesday. I have piano tommorow. That isn't fair, I haven't done nearly enough practice. Crap.
Time flies by, so it would seem. No, it does. I think that it would be very easy to let it all dissapear very quickley indeed. Its that kind of a job. Hmm.
I'll stop now.