Saturday, 26 May 2007

Eye Sore

I see that you've been practising.
I also see that you've been looking out for yourself, keeping an eye on things.
Watching other people, watching them watch themselves.
Keeping it all in check.
I've been guided by other people's vice, upstanding beer cans by straight backed sentries.
(standing them up doesn't count as litter)
I'll see you right, see you off, see you get what's yours.
See to it that you can see your way clear.
I can see so many, but I can't hear them

I'm struggling to see any point to this at all,
Thats why you can't see that much of me
(I've got a low hit ratio, you see)
I don't see how I can change this, because I can't see what you can,

Not this time, and not for a far stretch into the future,
you don't get many chances
See you around.