I keep forgetting what I want to be writing here, its definately becoming a problem. Like my spelling of 'definitley' there. I still refuse to use the spellchecker though, let my ignorance be wide and sweaty, and need a sit down. So what has the day brought to me? I have noticed that as you get older, I think I may have nailed down the reason for loosing the interest in music. Music, as you should know, works on a sort of cycle thing. Some say a cycle of new crazes and stuff, but I disagree. The cycle is the distance, roughy, in age that it takes for the second generation of children to fully establish itself as 'seperate'. In fact, I think this may be a ten year gap, but I'm not wheeling out any adding and counting appearus, like a mathematician, here. I think it has something to do with the fact that, as you get older, having livedf longer you have had more and more time on your hands in which to do stuff, goes without saying. Now, if music is indeed your thang, then your time will have been spent asorbing lots of music. There are always exceptions to the rule, I admit, but I think that you reach a point at which you have heard all the music available which centres around the sort of music that
you like. You can't be bothered listening to imitators and so give it up as a bad job, or your buying peters out as you intake drops in proportion to the amount of quality stuff coming out. As I have said, exceptions usually mean people with a wider range of tastes and areas of music to draw from, or with changing areas of preference. That, and of course, the fact that we view our earlier records through rose tinted ear glasses, and we always thinks that it was 'better than the rubbish nowadays'. Sometimes. Persoannly, I stand by some of the tat that I bought because I either feel sorry for it or I continue to enjoy it because it means something, despite my knowing it isn't that 'good' anymore. Maybe its meaning to me changes.
Whoo. That wasn't as in depth as I'd like but my back hurts on this chair,although it might be the height of the keyboard doing it. Brief adjustment finds me just as uncomffortable so screw it.
On another note, I have actually bought and sent off my Dad's birthday card which may, or may not, actually arrive at his house tommorrow, but considering the address styling I doubt it. I think I actually combined at least three different addresses to make it. Soon know I guess.
Signing off