Spume, fester and gestalt. Words I love.
Yes, I got some words converted from my brain and some hapless man has put them on his website. Calm down at the back there, I did a review for one of the UK anime sites I frequent and they posted it up. Which goes to show that you shouldn't believe anything you read on the wub, and the quality control is quite frankly dangerous. Nevertheless, it left me feeling chuffed for small victories. Damn, now I have to buy the next in the series, oh curse you ever reclusive victory.
Also, in good news for voices, in Psychonaughts (the apparently respectable yet way-too-short Tim Schaeffer jobby(he of Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango)) hang on are you allowed so many brackets in normal english speech? This isn't an equation, its far too unbalanced. ANYway, yes, its the voice of ZIM! It has to be. It must be. I refuse to check google lest my hopes be dashed. But I think that may have tipped the balance for me.
I am quite annoyed at the fact that yesterday I didn't really know what day it was. Its already Wednesday. I have piano tommorow. That isn't fair, I haven't done nearly enough practice. Crap.
Time flies by, so it would seem. No, it does. I think that it would be very easy to let it all dissapear very quickley indeed. Its that kind of a job. Hmm.
I'll stop now.
I'm coming to Norfolk to sort you out you big mincer who never updates his pissing blog. Be scared, be very scared!
I wish Dan would update his blog.
That's it, your blog page has been deleted from my bookmarks.
I still keep it to look at your photo, and rub myself with salmon.
Who is this loser that everyone hates?
Oh, its me.
What's this webpage I'm looking at? Get it SORTED AHHHHHHT!
I'll have a Phd in Hucknology.
Hey just because Crispy doesn't update this here dusty corner of the the interweb doesn't mean we can't use it for our own devices. I say we use it as a forum for something that needs a forum. First forum of Dan's disused blog: What should we forum? (Please no "I'm all for'um" jokes.)
I'm all for it.
What about a Dan related forum.
Who do you like best - Dan or Norse God Thor?
It's a toughie.
I prefer Thor because he exists.
That's hard, they both have good sound effects and deadly pyrotechnics. I'll have to think about it.
Thor. No Dan, No Thor its just too hard to call.
How about Dan's face or the face of jesus on the inside of an apple?
Dan's face. Because people flock to Jesus' face and flee from Dan's.
Being rasied Catholic I'm use to eating Jesus and Dan's face in an apple would look just like a worm's. It sounds harsh but look at the photo of Dan and tell me that isn't what an animator would draw as a worm coming out of an apple with a book perhaps.
A book about "ram's eggs" no doubt.
Ha! It was a trick question. Dan is our lord like Jesus so it would be an honour to find either.
OK, Dan or any famous Dan or your choosing?
I can't think of any famous Dan's that I like off hand. I've always associated the name with tall people who do funny things, so much so that I can't remember the names of two of my college friends because I just think of them as Dan. (I think one is Ryan and the other might actually be a Dan, Dan Telford?.)
Ever notice Dan spelled backwards is Nad. I shouldn't find this funny but I do. I'm rambling, did I answer the question?
I can only think of Dan Brown; writes bad fiction, Dan Snow; Peter Snow's son, Dan Radcliffe; Harry Potter. So I think I'll stick with original Dan for now.
Next question: How many comments should we leave before we tell Dan we've taken over his blog?
Dan Dare, the scouse Dan.
I thik we should get it up to 50 comments.
Dan Aykroyd, celebrity ocelot owner.
Does the 'Royd really have an ocelot. How can our Dan beat that?
Dan Aykroyd! How could I forget? It does prove my tall and funny theory. I think Dan (our's) could beat Dan (Canada's) if he had a womabt. Wombat beats ocelet in my mind. What animal should our Dan own?
Famous Dan's: Dandy Dan. I want to see our Dan eat his way through a cow pie and then pick his teeth with a telegraph pole. Anmial for Dan: Lemming.
I think we should give him an otter.
Oh, and yes, as far as I'm aware its an ocelot/Aykroyd FACT, and heaven knows, the world isn't over-run with them.
Dan needs some kind of buddy animal, how about Dan and a friendly jackal?
I have been doing some research as to the range of other Dan's out there to choose from (I googled 'DAN') how about some of these:
I think he ought to have the Podgorican newspaper.
Interestingly, 'Dobar Dan' means (I think) 'Good day' in Serbo-Croat. Its been a while.
That sounds about right, it's dobry dyen in Russian, and dyen dobry in Polish. Perhaps Dyen is Russian for Dan. I'd like to meet Dyen - he sounds cool.
Does anyone have any thoughts about Dan's lady Sarah? I think she's great.
I think anyone who puts up with Dan for the length of time she has must have something going for them.
Sarah? Awesome.
I thought of Sara only yesterday when I saw lots of cool communist Russian posters. She rocks.
Next question if Dan could have any superpower what should it be?
Dan biscuits.
I was thinking Russia but then I realised you meant have a superpower not be one. An extending neck?
How about if Dan were an animal, what animal would he be?
I see him as a goat. They eat everything in sight, and he's got a bit of a goaty face!
I thought Dan WAS an animal?
Isn't that why Sara is learning to sign?
...Dan, sit! Dan, roll over! Dan, get the cloth...
That's not nice Tom. Dan isn't your dog he's a human being. We must respect his feelings...
...What's the most disgusting thing you've ever seen Dan eat?
My favourite is the tramp style reclaimation of a pizza that someone had just tossed onto the ground.
Anyone else?
Has to be left-over pie which was a bit of everything, pesto, salsa, garlic, sweet potato, one piece of dog food, everything, baked in a crust with a marshmallow top (that was the killer). I was suprised how much of it he got through. Though I did once see him eat a piece of dog food just out of curiosity.
I forgot about that! He eats silly!
We're nearly up to 50 comments - whoever does the 50th gets a Dan pie.
I've seen Dan eat something so bad, I can't say what it is.
Swiftly moving on...
If Dan was an ammimal, what would he be? I say a potoroo, but I'm just a kid, so I don't know what that means...
Re : Dan pie. Is that a threat or a promise?
I hope we're not advocating cannibalism here.
I say as you two of you are about to see Crispy in the flesh we tell him then.
Only two more comments to go!
I've run out of things to say. We've explored every corner of Dan, and I don't know what we've found, but it smells funky indeed.
Okay, who's going to have the fiftieth comment? Don't leave it too long, or some rudey will put something in there...
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