I would like to issue this written statement of apology for my sheer lack of new material to place in this box to put up on the interweb. The truth of the mater is, I am lazy. Although I may not look it, this infomation may shock and appaul you, I am in fact an incredibly lazy, badly motivated, sluggish layabout bastard whose only skill lies i his ability to do sod all with finesse. Today, for instance, I relaxed. I have not job, and on the list of stuff to do was to sign up with two agencies, call the council- to shift half an exercise bike, one monitor (too big) and one telly (keeps going pink, drove me up the wall once to often in the middle of doom when it all went less atmospheric) - and fillout about eight job applications. I managed two half finished apps and nothign else. NOTHING. Nada. In total I spent about thrity minutes at the keyboard. So just what the hell DID I do? I don't know. I really don't. I never at any point during the day felt like I hadn't got something to do, but I have achieved almost a sum total of nothing.
I wish I could market my skill, for I would be in the cash.
I still haven't done anything. Hopefully tomorrow will be more productive.
The Manga Revue: I Am a Hero
8 years ago