Monday, 17 October 2005

Seeping in through the windows.

The moon is really bright tonight. Its really weird. I wandered into the kitchen in the dark. I always do this when I'm on my own, one light on in the room I'm mostly in and then everything else switched off. I did nearly kill myself on the shoes I left right at the bottom of the stairs but thats my own fault. I make no excuses. But I digress. A shadow. Of the windowsill plant from the MOON. That, I think, deserves a 1UP.
I really should write on this thing more. I never know if people check it. I bet no one can be arsed anymore, what with me never leaving anything to read. Its quite the viscous circle. Not runny, but thickening.
Well, generally, I got a job. Yes, yes I did. Its okay. It will give me money for my toil.
I need sandwiches for tommorrow. Which I have to make. Tch.