Tuesday, 25 January 2005

I'll tell you what this new keyboard is taking a bit of the wits out of me. Still, noy so bad so far. Or maybe so... Anyway I refuse to spellcheck the post to give it that genuine ie lazy feel. God, what a day. I can only bring you muzak. Yes, thats right. I got sent to a different place of work today, a common household name bank place which, for some reason, has the stereo in the back of the counter playing the same forty minutes or so of the most abysmal, soul destroying, suicide inducing load of gutless shite I have ever heard. On constant repeat. Its actually the aural equivalent of hell. I cannot believe someone saw fit to subject us to this dross. It simply goes beyond all human belief. Does someone think that it improves morale? Passes the time? Whose twisted mind engendered this project? I think that we should be told.
I had to come home and play Radiohead, which I had injected into my skull manually during the day just to keep it together. Which provided some relief. And, something else I discovered. The Morrisons Battenburg cake isn't all its cracked up to be. The marzipan crumbles off the sponge, and doesn't taste as almondy. And thats what i look for in a cake. Flavour. So bad for you Mr Morrison. I shall deny you any money from Battenburg selling and purchasing. You shall suffer fiunancially for your negligence.
In other news, the sweet n sour veg still sits here inmy room. I can't say for sure what this will smell like when I finally get round to actually desposing of itm, but its beenso long, I don't want to open it any more. So that can stay where it is for now. I'm sure it'll sort itself out eventually.
On a final note, did you know that the Sega Saturn actually had over 5o scrolling shooters released for it? Me neither until recently. Apparently the japenese are very big on the mass destruction side of videogames. I do like them and their crazy 'everything' thing. Lets make it big n bright n loud. It is likely to make you go blind but, hey, the mania does that. Fwwwing.

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