Wednesday, 29 December 2004

Xbox Ahoy. Finally.

Well, I've only gone and done it haven't I? Merely moments, nay mere bleens ago, I purchased from the illustrious Amazon Dot commm, a box of X. A whole one. But equipped with one controller, I plan to be tasting its fruity flavours sometime in the new year. I realise this may well mean the end of my life as I know it. I do enjoy video games, I cannot deny it. I however, am not going to whine on about being addicted to them, although would like to know what it is that makes them just so moreish. The total escapism perhaps? The ability to shoot things and not have to taste the consequences? This may be the solution.But hey, its what I want./ Also, I get to not care about being so far behind in the technology race, that while everyone is making damp patches on the rug and spending weeks in front of Halo2, I get to witness Halo One in all its prequel glory and not feel done. Its what I want, to be steps behind the tech wave, so then I don't have to constantly spend money, especuially not on phones which burp, whistle and bugger your dog when no one looks.
These two mince pies in front of me, I don't think they're going to get eaten really. They taste a bit too swseet for my liking. And make my teeth hurt. So in the bin with them. And WOAH does my bin smell or what? I spat some half chewed orange in therte yesterday and I think its already started to ferment. Its like alchohol in there. Like. Very much Like. I hope it doesn't get that uch worse. Ooh, I need to wash up too. Groan.
What to do while I wait for my new life to arrive? Wonder why I don't have the patience to wait for some shop to have a console so I can get it from the town of Lincoln instead of sending a delicate electronic gizmo through the post. Hmm. Hang on, that was a dumb thing to do Oh God Noooo! Now I , ,Oh sod it. Whatever. I want, i get. Shut up about it.
So looking forward to the new year. Can't be doing with work though. There's no need for that.

Thursday, 23 December 2004

I don't need to see that

I mean really, you walk through the crowds of meaty people trying to wander home, fighting past mothers and prams, tooth and nail in a bid to maintain your own desired 'get the fuck home' walking speed and in the ten minute walk from work to home (which is rather good really) you turhn the corner into your road only to be faced with some guy taking a pee up a wall. On the pavement. Standing, releiving himself in the fucking walkway! This is not a alleyway, ,thish is a fucking road, where pelople live! There is a pub about, ooh, twenty seconds away whose facilities he could use, but no, he decides to pee is divine. I don't hate him for it, he did run off, clearly embrarassed, but still: have people lost their decency. Ten more yards and he would have been in a disused yard. All dark like. Good for a quick pee.
However, apparently, according to my mate who just got back frfom work, the pubs are simply rammed full of booze hounds, so maybe the queue in the pub was too much. I guess we'll ever know. Still, ,remember kids, pick your pee spots carefully, coz someone might just be around the corner.

Sunday, 19 December 2004

Hey, look at that. Thats rather good isn't it? No? Well please yourself. eat my shorts etc. Well, I'll go to the foot of our stairs. A ickle strip wot a drew and wot James, my erstwhile flatmate wrote. I think I may do the second one tomorrow. It makes for something to do with the ink I bought. Also, I've nearly finished watching the rest of that there Serial Experiments Lain dvd, which is rather gooood. Although getting even more strange as it progresses. It was definately a good thing to get though. Not sure where to progress next with dvds of terror. On the buying front that is. Wait until christmas is over dan, then buy yourself an XBOX! Oh yes, just as they get the news through of the next one, I buy the first one. Why can't they wait a bit before getting the next big thing in and on? Hmm?
Aside from that, There's always the Zim of invader fame to relish and oh my GOD guess what? My mum brought down some particularly gooood mince pies and lemon curd today and oh yes isn't that jus the hit of the whole fruit? You bet it is, all of the lemon. I'm mighty pleased. And only four more days of work left before we hit the christmas. ROCK!
But I need to finish christmas shopping tommorrow. SPEND, you know you HAVE to. A forced charmic thing possibly, people will buy for you, but you must buy for them, to give and to receive, can't do one without the other.
Maybe there's a law on it. Who knows?

Tuesday, 14 December 2004

A tasy and unforeseen way of posting no less. Prepare yourselves for th e might of the remote blogging tool.. I quite like it. ALthough I haven't actualy attempted to weild its mighty powers just yet, sio it may yet go wrong.Again, my evenings are being consumed. Tonight I cut my hair. It is all short and spikey and less likely to make it look like I am trying to cover up the fact it is slowly falling out. I am a realist, there's no doubt about that. Probably why I neverbother asking people at work if they want a better bank account, we're only trying to screw them for money.
However, I have managed under instruction, which is what I am good at. My ersstwhile flatmate suggested that he write three frames for a cartoon strip and I draw them. And it worked, it made me do something. He's just finished touching it up on photosop, and it may well be available on the computer as we speak. The web rather.
Nevertheless, I need to shade this here picture o mine before bed, just so I can say I did something. A webpage would be ice to store them on, but I don't have a scanner, so I think I'll leave it for now.
Hmm, this was indeed short and again lacking in content, or me waffling on about it lacking in content. Who cares? Its my wordses, so I can do what I like!

Sunday, 12 December 2004

Quite Frankly Rather Good. With Milk.

Oh Yes, you can't fault a weekend like that. From my point of view for preference. The trains all worked like, well, clockwork on the way down to Norwich. Top timing, especially the change at Newark North Gate which made the scene with minutes to change, perfection. Saturday night at the office party was good, of course but then you get the other texts and people are all here! I think I should type this tomorrow when I can spell and think. I'm gonna go, I need the sleep, but I shall fill in gaps tomorrow.

Wednesday, 8 December 2004

Happily more KNowledgable through toil

Yes, apparently its something to do with the original 'Weebles' which wobbled as much as you like but resisted the pressure pressing on them to actually go and fall down. So Weebl is forever Wobbl. Which is unfortunate because Weebl is far the superior name. Weeeeeeeeble. Not Woooooooooble. You can't get the same effect from extending a round mid vowel. Or something. I forget.
Just flavouring my air with Interpol. I bought '...bright lights' based on much people things bubbling like swamps about how wonderful it was and promptly didn't listen to it for ages. fgiving it another go to see if it can improve with age. I think the Music 'new album may be doing that to me and dogs die in hot cars are just all over my boing like a rash. Ad even I can't cope with that last sentence.
I also got shown the weird language settings on Google, including Bork Bork Bork. I'm glad Will is a computer fiddler, he could explain. It doesn't stop my head hurting though. I always wondered what other people do. All the time.
I like my currency display. Okay, so three note just doesn't realy cut it, but the presence of the rand beefs it up to notch fourteen at least. Definately worth three bleens. But I may get more at some point. I don't care if I haven't been to the country or not. Must have grubby notes. Oh yes.
And now I go take over world with forks, and a piece of Brie, and some spanners. I like spanners. Voooom.

Tuesday, 7 December 2004

Why Does It Have To Be Wobbl?

Why? I mean, come on. He's clearly a Weebl. Cause they wobble and don't fall down. But no. It has to be changed for the 'MTV' generation or something. Because they wouldn't get the reference. Get knotted. Loosebags.
On a higher note, and with the spendings of the money in anticipation of the christmas happenings, I think to myself, ,can I really be prepared to spend money on people who aren't me? It is a wrench, I have to tell you. But I think I might be able to consider doing so, having already spent around forty pounds on absolutely nothin. Well, I bought stuff for people, but I haven't really bought it for anyone inparticular. I'm just keeping up the 'men can't christmas shop' to save their lives end of the bargain. Which I made up with Satan. Last tuesday.
However, I cannot believe i am STILL in happiness about my new 'multiregion' dvd player. Zim boxset out dontcherknow. Oh yes. OooooooOOOh yeeeah. tempts me it does. Ooh so much am I tempted. But a ittle bittle bit steep in asking price, like Discworld beer glasses. Which should be gathered up and broken just to really annoy some people who spent FIFTEEN pounds on them. And make them feel ashamed when there are starving tramps in the world (not that I give two flying metric tones of rotten orange peel, but you get the moralistic fuzzy area).
I continue to mod el cheapo christmas cards in the jhope I will be seen as FUNNY and ORIGINAL with a rye eye cast over the festivities. Probably. not.
I don't even thing they're funny.
Curl up and ROT man with bagpipes.

Monday, 6 December 2004

Nurge, I have to TOIL tomorrow.

I don't WANNA toil. I want the world to come to me bearing gifts of food and money. Well, what do you know? Soon they will, in the name of a man who may well have existed and probably knew not that his birthday would be warped in order to stamp all over the Pagean rituals already quite well established in the English world, and then exported all over the world where people were already doing quite well thank you and they didn't need All that cack thANk ye ver' mucha.
Well blow goats.
Hey ho, nevermind. I should sleep soon. I do need to be up at the crack o' dawn. Shopped to day for the festive season. Did my usual trick. Bough crap. Got home. HAven't actually bough anyone anything, just STUFF. I can't do this shopping thing for other people. I don't know what other people like. I mean, what sdoes my mum want? Really? All I know is that she doesn't want more tat to bury the house uner so i suppose i buy things that are consumable, which I am well up on.
Panic. Mildly.
I think I'll go back on the crack. It seems to be the done thing.

Sunday, 5 December 2004

Passing Thoughts Of A Witless Biscuit

Passing Thoughts Of A Witless Biscuit
A-haaaa, now I get it. Okay, to buisness. Yes, the christmas market in Lincoln is a fine and highly compressed thing, with many thousands of people milling a round like so much people based soup. Far too many in fact, and I think it would do people good to pay attentionto the national mottoe of my country and FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP BREEDING! This may be seen as unreasonable in some people's eyes, but I still maintain we need a few less people.
I just scribbled some things, which look rather cool. I think what I really want to do is scan them and make them available. Now how the hell do I do that?
Some sort of scanner would be in order methinks. Time to go on the rob/beg/borrow/etc. Aside from that, the day has brought a Terry's chocolate orange, which has since been devoured. Now, not wishing to be a psycho but did they always only have the cunning moulded print imitating the inside of an orange on one side on each orange segent or have they downscaled it recently? I think we should be told.
And for the sake of anything, I urge people to start their own country. I did. I feel good about it.

chew on that, scalp-freshers.

Passing Thoughts Of A Witless Biscuit

Passing Thoughts Of A Witless Biscuit
This is merely a test. Doe sthis indow work, or do I have to destroy it?

Thursday, 2 December 2004

Plus Ca Change

I never knew what this title meant. evermind. I can live with that. But I would like to mention I cannot live without chocolate biscuits. They keep cropping up and i seem to ahve a constant supply of the damn things. My flatmate accidentally bought me dark chocolate when I SPECIFICALLY asked for plain. This could have lead to blows, but instead I took the chance and have come to appreciate them. Less moreish than Milk Chocolate, if that can be a real phrase without sounding repellant, but just the job with coffee.
Currently listening to Dogs Die In Hot Cars, who are spending much time on the stereo. Yes, they're a grower. Quirky (even if you despise the word, they are) they whiff oddly of Ska on the offchance, and are pungent in the spectrum of Talking Heads. And odd sensation, but thoughroughly warming and pleasing.

First of These Things

The first would be to say salute. And tres bien indeed (swears deleted until I find whether or not it is a suitable thing to do). Although I am worried slightly by the really crispy thing in my ear I just discovered (and having put off anyone with two braincells dedicated to taste or more) I feel that this could be the start of something with a little merit and maybe even less worth. But nevermind. Lets just get on with it, alright?