Tuesday 5 July 2005

I've Been Done by the Amazon

And In A Good Way.
It arrived most quickley and pleasantly, and here it is, my varied and happy collection of stuff from the a to the dot to the com.

The Jam, of Jaaaaaam fame, which I have had a hankering for for ages (which was the 'need to push total cost over free delivery threshold' purchase), Misty's Big Adventure of quirkey 'my mate knows someone in a band' fame, and the Unicorns, prompted by the recommends in Amazon. Once again, I get the overwhelming feeling that Amazon has done its job well, and I have many things which I didn't have to pay over the odds for at the nefarious Virgin. And once again, consumerism leaves me feeling euphoric for a small slice of time, and is sure to leave me soon with an empty feeling, depending on how good the Unicorns are.

Also, the Amazon cardboard thing fitted through the door. This is very good news. I hand't tested the size yet, and it has stood the ultimate Shut In's test. Mail Order Ahoy!

1 comment:

Marco said...

Dammit. I'm so gonna be saying 'Jaaaaaaam' for ages now.