Tuesday, 14 December 2004

A tasy and unforeseen way of posting no less. Prepare yourselves for th e might of the remote blogging tool.. I quite like it. ALthough I haven't actualy attempted to weild its mighty powers just yet, sio it may yet go wrong.Again, my evenings are being consumed. Tonight I cut my hair. It is all short and spikey and less likely to make it look like I am trying to cover up the fact it is slowly falling out. I am a realist, there's no doubt about that. Probably why I neverbother asking people at work if they want a better bank account, we're only trying to screw them for money.
However, I have managed under instruction, which is what I am good at. My ersstwhile flatmate suggested that he write three frames for a cartoon strip and I draw them. And it worked, it made me do something. He's just finished touching it up on photosop, and it may well be available on the computer as we speak. The web rather.
Nevertheless, I need to shade this here picture o mine before bed, just so I can say I did something. A webpage would be ice to store them on, but I don't have a scanner, so I think I'll leave it for now.
Hmm, this was indeed short and again lacking in content, or me waffling on about it lacking in content. Who cares? Its my wordses, so I can do what I like!

Sunday, 12 December 2004

Quite Frankly Rather Good. With Milk.

Oh Yes, you can't fault a weekend like that. From my point of view for preference. The trains all worked like, well, clockwork on the way down to Norwich. Top timing, especially the change at Newark North Gate which made the scene with minutes to change, perfection. Saturday night at the office party was good, of course but then you get the other texts and people are all here! I think I should type this tomorrow when I can spell and think. I'm gonna go, I need the sleep, but I shall fill in gaps tomorrow.